With ever more sites added to one´s VRM account, it is getting harder to keep in mind to which client/installer etc. a site belongs, as the name of the installation often is made by the final client or the installer who apply their own "naming scheme". One is ending up with many sites in VRM that sometimes do or do not contain the name of the client, the location or a device that is part of the installation ("Multiplus ..."). In other words: a long list of VRM-installations can be messy.
My 3 suggestions are:
1) Add a new personal field for the name of the VRM installation which is only visible to the user who created the VRM installation name, so that he can give this particular installation his own name, besides the "official name" that every user of this installation sees. In the list of VRM-installations that would be a new column, visible only to this user. For example a field called "MyNameForThisInstallation (not visible for others)".
2) Add a new personal field for comments, visible only for this VRM-user of that installation, where for example a dealer or distributor could add internal comments only of interest to them, not for everybody. Field Name: "MyCommentForThisInstallation (not visible for others)"
3) Add the possibility of sub-dividing installations into personal groups, again visible only for the VRM-User who created those (his) groups. An installer could then make groups according to the location (a city), or a client/project that involves several installations, or any other criterion. Allow a VRM-installation to belong to several groups, for example location/area, client/installer/project, year of installation, components used (inverter or battery type) etc.