
daineric avatar image
daineric asked

BlueSolar 75/10 MPPT shuts down when I plug in VE-Direct Cable

I typically leave the VE-Direct USB cable plugged into my charge controller so I can easily plug it into my Android phone and monitor the battery and charge when I'm camping. This weekend I tried to plug in the phone and couldn't get it to find the device. I also was not getting any power out of the battery.

When I unplug the cable from the charge controller, I get power out of the battery again and the lights on the charger show that it is charging. But as soon as I plug the cable back in, I lose power and both (blue and yellow) lights on the charger illuminate solid.

Any ideas on what is wrong?

MPPT Controllersmppt charging
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1 Answer
helios-harvester avatar image
helios-harvester answered ·

Can you make sure that the pins inside the connector of the charge controller are not bent and make contact with each other ?

Because this reminds me of a short on the data bus

Also what Cable and USB to serial you use to connect your charge controller to your phone ?


The Harvester

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Related Resources

MPPT Product Page

MPPT Error codes

MPPT 150/60 up to 250/70 Manual

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