
ehsab avatar image
ehsab asked

Overload warning Quattro?

So, got an overload warning, figured it really was an overload, but when i looked at it i couldn't find the issue.
Certanly no overload, and when looking at the data i can't figure out why i got the warning.
Any one who can find what caused it from the xls?

Kind Regards

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


I will check out the linked file on pc later, but if you did not see a reason you had what is known as a spurious overload one of the firmwares released was pinpointed here as a a possible cause.

But also don't forget even at one minute interval logs there is still alot of time between logs for a pump of something to cause a spike and overload a bit. But to be honest if it is not all the time and it was just a warning you are fine.

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ehsab avatar image ehsab commented ·

Hi Alexandra,

Did you got around to take a peak in the excel document?

Kind Regards

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ ehsab commented ·

Hi @ehsab

Sorry, yes I did. As you said there does not seem to be anything in the data. So it is not load related. Nothing you are doing is the cause.

Is this happening often? It is just a warning right now, not an alarm. Keep an eye on it, if it keep repeating then it will definitely warrant more investigation.

Something definitely caused the inverters to kick out the grid and that triggered an overload warning. Maybe an inductive load in the middle of something or a high resistance connection during the disconnect? hard to know.

Maybe a back feed relay was too slow (can also bee a resistance issue on ac connections) and with the PV mppt having a few goes at restarting there was a wobble in the system? I see a little bit of grid feed in on the L3 occasionally. Again hard to know.

Like i said even at one minute intervals (a lot can go on in 60seconds) it can make diagnosis hard.

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