Hello All
A client's system has this strange behaviour when battery voltage is low.
Battery BMS voltage and current are stable but VE.Bus voltage and current are up and down like a yoyo. These two graphs should be exactly the same if I'm not mistaken. In this period of about half an hour, I received about 200 VE.Bus Low Voltage problem and recovery emails from VRM Notifier. I watched the system in realtime yesterday and saw VE.Bus DC voltage spiking as high as 60V and as low as 41V in a space of a few minutes but BMS voltage was stable.
The system is single phase consisting of a Quattro 10kVA with 24kWh Blue Nova battery and a 10kWp PV array. Conditions have been cloudy for a few days so SOC is around 50%. The system runs on ESS.
Any help will be appreciated.