i am running the mppt 100/20 together with following solar panel since one year for my pool-pump.
The mppt/20 loads a 12V battery and a step up converter provides 230V for the Pump and in future hopefully also for the "Pool Heater".
The Panel has following specification
Nennleistung: 360 Wp
Toleranz ca.: + 3%
MPP-Spannung: 39,00 V
MPP-Strom: 9,24 A
Leerlaufspannung: 47,50 V
Kurzschlussstrom: 9,71 A
Zellen: 156x156mm, 72 Monokristalline Zellen, Class A
Is it possible to connect a second identical Panel to the mppt100/20 and can the Smart Solar Charger handle it? My plan is to connect a"Pool-heater" and therefore i need a bit more power :-)
How should i connect them? In row or parallel?
Thank you very much for your support in advance.
Best regards