
allen-upward avatar image
allen-upward asked

MPPT 150/100-Tr VE.Can CAN address reset (to 0x24)

Hello -- we are using a single MPPT 150/100-Tr VE.Can devices to talk to our system via CAN and they typically show up as address 0x24 on the CAN bus.

  • FW version: 3.02, Bootloader: v1.06, Serial: HQ2042PV6UC

During some bench testing with 2 devices, one of them auto-addressed to 0x25 and we'd like to get it back to the original 0x24 address.

  1. Does anyone have an idea how to do this?
  2. Is there a place to download a manual copy of the v3.02 firmware to try updating it to the same version to see if this helps?

(Note: using the 'factory reset option' via the VE.Direct port did not achieve the address reset to 0x24.)

Many thanks for your help in advance,


MPPT SmartSolarfirmware updateVE.Can
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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi, if there is a way to do this (I dont know for sure) then it will be by standard J1939/N2K messages.

There is a lot on the internet about this, search for j1939 acl.

or for n2k acl.

and note that just like you shouldnt rely on an ip addresses being static in a dhcp network, you should rely on a network address to be static in a j1939 canbus network either.

so the proper solution for your issue is monitor / scan the canbus to see what address the device you’re looking for is on (by sending a acl message or something like that) and then listening to the responses and using the then found network address going forward.

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allen-upward avatar image allen-upward commented ·

Many thanks for your assistance. Will pursue those options.

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