
bonatti avatar image
bonatti asked

BMV700 shows a charge efficiency of 70 %, it should be 85%. Why?

In my battery monitor BMV700 I have a too high difference between charged an discharged energy (under history). For AGM batteries it should be in the range of 85 %, but it is only 70 %. How to explain such high Delta?

BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

You set it this way (or you did not set it).

Check the manual.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Bonatti

Some things to check..

That your shunt isn't bypassing anything, even something small. Earth after the shunt, not off the battery? Don't overlook anything.

Calibrate your Zero.

If your Current Threshold is set to anything higher than Zero, it wont (I think!) count any current up to that setting. I set mine to zero for just this reason, but I understand and allow for a 'saturated tail' that may be impacting SOC, and even that overall efficiency.

I get ~81% using those kWh figures, with floodeds that gas a little. At 70% there's something wrong..

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