
modian avatar image
modian asked

2x Cerbo in one installation on VRM

Good evening,

I have a Cerbo installed in my RV . Now I installed an MPPT and a Solar panel on my carrier for charging a battery. Now I try to install a Raspi with Venus image connected to the MPPT in the carrier. I can setup an additional installation on VRM but I'd like to see the data in the Cerbo installation. and not separated,

Anybody an idea if that's possible?

Thx and Cheers


cerbo gx
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

No, that's not possible.
Each Venus device is intended to report it's data into a single VRM installation instance. You then need select which installation you are interested in from the Installations menu.
Selecting "All installations" will show an overview of all your installations on a single page with a more succinct selection of data.

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