
pbilka avatar image
pbilka asked

Can I connect 2 victron systems together?

Thru upgrades of some components, I am left with enough parts for 2 PV systems.

- MPPT 150/60, 12 x 285W panels
- Quattro 48/5000
- Pylontech batteries
- Cerbo

- MPPT 150/60, 4 x 450W panels
- Multiplus 48/3000
- BMZ batteries
- need another Cerbo?

The question is: how to connect these 2 systems? One option would be to use System2 AC Out to connect to System1 AC In-1. System1 AC In-2 would be connected to the grid. System2 would not be connected to the grid (or should it?).

This is the best I can think of on my own, but I'm sure there are better options. My goal is the best possible energy management. System1 panels are primarily active in the morning, whereas System2 panels are active in the afternoon.

Can you please comment? Thank you...


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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


What are you hoping to achieve here? I hear you on the panel and solar yield being usable at different times. If that is your main aim then I would add the second mppt to the bigger system battery and the cerbo (system 1) and use the yield that way rather. it is less complicated than using the two systems somehow connected.

If battery capacity is an issue and you are trying to be off grid then maybe use the 3kva on the ac2 out and have it switch on and off to disconnect the two overnight - it can charge up in the morning when it is reconnected in the day? You could maybe separate out your lighting circuits or something like that to run on it?

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pbilka avatar image pbilka commented ·

Thank you for responding... What I'm trying to achieve is to use 2 different battery systems. This was pushed onto me, I did not choose this. I have BMZ 7 batteries and they don't make them anymore. So, to expand the capacity, I have to add different batteries. And you can't use different batteries in the same system, correct?

I saw in different posts that connecting two systems using (1)-AC-OUT->(2)-AC-IN is not that far fetched. What other choice do I have? Other than toss the batteries, which cost $8000 euro last year, and start over ;-)

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