My motorhome install came from a local Victron supplier. They advised that the load output could be connected to the vehicle starter battery to stop it going flat when not used for long periods.
The goal was, leisure batteries charged, plenty of sun, a little bit of power would also go to the start battery. Great, I thought, However, I'm not sure the load output is doing anything meaningful.
The jumper has been removed and user algorthim defined. The load output only switches on when the leisure batteries reach 13.7v. There's been plenty of sunlight lately and the batteries are in float at 13.8v, the load output is ON but the reading is 0.0A. Over a 4 day period, I've seen it flick to 0.1A for a fraction of a section a few times, and then 0.0. It's almost always 0.0.
Starter battery voltage is being monitored with a smartshunt, and the voltage is very slowly dropping.
The load output switches on and off as expected. it just doesn't seem to be giving any juice!