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dpreloaded asked

Force Orion-TR Smart into charging mode

Hello. I just installed an Orion-Tr Smart 12/12/30 in our Winnebago Vita. So far it is working fine with engine detection mode, but I wanted to be able to force it into charging mode regardless of engine state. Our rig has a solenoid that connects the house and chassis batteries for an emergency jump start. I was hoping I could force the Orion into charge mode (removing the isolation between batteries) so I could still use that solenoid. The manual is a little confusing regarding engine detection override. So far I have tried applying 12V to the H pin and to the L pin, with the jumper between the two pins installed and without the jumper. In all cases, the Orion says "charging disabled due to voltage lockout". What am I doing wrong here?

Thanks in advance.

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
Rob Fijn avatar image
Rob Fijn answered ·

Hello @DPReloaded, in the settings via the VictronConnect App there is an option "Input voltage lock-out"
Could it be that this is enabled with a voltage setting ? Your Orion Smart must have a valid input voltage.

Hope this helps,

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dpreloaded avatar image
dpreloaded answered ·

Thanks Rob, that was indeed the issue.

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