This isn't a big deal, as my SmartSolar seems to work fine.
But out of curiosity, on "page" 11 of my SmartSolar manual it says,
(Update: I don't know why the forum won't let my links show. It's
Reset of the charge algorithm:
The default setting for restarting the charge cycle is
Vbatt < (Vfloat – 0,4V) for lead -acid, and Vbatt < (Vfloat – 0,1V)
for LiFePO4 batteries, during 1 minute.
Okay, that's fine if one uses the default LiFePO4 setting. (Or, alternatively, Position 7 via the rotary switch with the battery type set to "Rotary.")
But I'll bet most of us have modified at least one setting in the default, which then changes the type of battery to "User Defined."
So, is my SmartSolar using 0.4V for the reset? Or 0.1V?
In this case of "User Defined," does the SmartSolar know that my batteries are still LiFePO4?