Usecase: REC ABMS connected to 12x 272Ah cells (Lishen), 3 parallel and 4 series (12V). Charging with 2x Blue Smart IP22 30A, Smart Solar 75/15 and TS800C-50.
The manual of the Blue smart IP22 is very limited with respect to its behavior of the "Lion" setting. First it doesn't feel right they call it "Lion" while LiFePo4 is a total different chemistry, but as they put LiFePo4 between () I assume this mode is for LiFePo4. Anyone that can confirm this?
Can someone explain how the charger behaves in the "Lion" mode?
I want to parallel two of these chargers. Is this going to cause any problems? Do I need to use the "Lion" mode or is it better to use the power-supply mode when putting in parallel?
From what I understood (e.g. LiFePo4 is very sensitive to overcharging. Even with low voltages (~13,5V) the battery can be killed when current is applied after 100% SoC is reached (very low internal R). So it is very important to stop charging when the current does reach a certain threshold (ideally SoC based), or to control this externally using a BMS. Anyone that can comment on this?