
juleskotter avatar image
juleskotter asked

Multiplus compact inverter does not start on DC only.

My Victron Multiplus inververter would only start with shore AC plugged in. However, after disconnecting the AC and battery from the Victron and thereafter reconnecting the battery the Victron worked normally again. This was apparently a hard reset.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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juleskotter avatar image juleskotter commented ·

Alas, the problem repeated itself. No inverter on DC power and no charging on AC shorepower. Nothing. However, the fix worked again, hopefully this time for a longer period... It is a Victron Easyplus Compact machine by the way, not Multiplus, for the record.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ juleskotter commented ·


What batteries do you have?

Do they charge in charge only mode?

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4 Answers
alan avatar image
alan answered ·

Sounds like you have lithium batteries, when connecting the unit the capacitors will charge and the initial surge when connected is tripping the protection in the BMS. How are you disconnecting the batteries? Via an isolator?

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juleskotter avatar image
juleskotter answered ·

Goodmorning, the batteries are conventional. I disconnected both the light and the engine (which is also charged by the Victron via its own J45 terminal) batteries by disconneting the battery terminals for a while. The first time I did this only for the light battery, that did not solve the problem. For now, after connecting the everything, the Easyplus system works normally, hopefully permanent.

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juleskotter avatar image
juleskotter answered ·

As the Easyplus would not work as it should I finally removed the set from the engine room and brought it to the Victron dealer in Bodegraven, Holland. They suggested to reinstall the unit for further testing. This is what I did. The digital multiplus control remains disconnected. The Dip-switches are set for this configuration. Now, the Easyplus works normally...So, the Easyplus is not the source of the problems. Probaply the multiplus control needs to be replaced. I will test the Easyplus unit for some more weeks. Without the external control it is a bit hard as the floor of my boat has to be removed each time in order to gain access to the engine room and the Victron. But, I am glad that - with the help of the Victron dealer - the problem is almost solved!

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juleskotter avatar image
juleskotter answered ·

Goodmorning, after resetting the DIP switches again (power on, no load, with confirmation on 8) the digital multicontroller was reconnected. The Easyplus works normal again, charging the (conventional) batteries and supplying AC power. No idea what might have caused the problem.

Anyway, I am glad how things worked out, with help of the Victron dealer in Bodegraven.

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