
filterguy avatar image
filterguy asked

Why does the Orion TR Smart 12/24-15 (non-isolated) drive 30A on the output?

I have recently been helping a friend build a system and per my recommendation he has purchased mostly Victron equipment. We have everything up and except for a problem with the Orion TR Smart 12/24-15 (non-isolated).

I expected the output to the batteries to be 15A and the input draw to be a bit more than 30A. However, when the engine starts the Orion starts drawing ~60A off the alternator and outputting ~30A. With 60A across the 2AWG wire to the alternator, there is a large voltage drop that the Orion detects as the engine being off and then turns off the output. The voltage then goes back up and the cycle repeats.

Has anyone seen anything like this before?
orion-tr smart
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3 Answers
Jmarc avatar image
Jmarc answered ·


What model of Orion tr are you using. Those Unit come in two flavors converter, charger.

The charger would behave as you are expecting.

On the other end the converter is a fix voltage power supply. If the battery voltage it is connected to is lower than Its preset, the unit will try to push the maximum current it can until it stops on overload. This is what you seem to be experiencing. is you read the data sheet, it says the maximum Current for the 15A unit is 20A.

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Bob K avatar image
Bob K answered ·

For that model, max output current at nominal voltage (24v) is 25 amps. 25 amps x 24 volts = 600 watts. 600 watts / 12 volts = 50 amps. Plus, there are some efficiency taxes in there.

Input and output will derate as the unit heats up.

I experience something similar with my 12|12-30 Orion: I'll see output up around 40 amps for a short period of time when the unit first starts up.

Do you have a "smart" alternator? Is it turning down voltage output during this time?

Please post screencaps of your Engine Shutdown Detection and Input Voltage Lockout settings. If set correctly, the Engine Shutdown Detection routine should automatically derate the charger's output as voltage from the alternator drops so as to keep the charger from turning off.


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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Those max currents are for short time periods. How long before the cut out occurs?

Are you charging LiFePO4 batteries? I don't see this behaviour using the same unit on a 200AH lead carbon setup. But also I don't have a smart alternator.

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