I recently installed a solar power system on my Class A motorhome. It consists of Victron components: 150/60 MPPT solar controller, Cerbo GX, Touch 50 and a 3000w inverter/charger all in 12 volts. I have four Battle Born 100Ah lithium batteries. The controller is wired to charge the batteries directly. My dealer/designer/tech company is adamant that I should install the SBP to protect my expensive lithium batteries. As he put it, “Do you know how many people have “grave-yarded” their lithium batteries? Everyone at least once.”
In reading about the product, I now understand that it doesn’t do REVERSE CURRENT. In my technologically challenged mind and from reviews of users of this product, it is clear that you can’t wire this inline between the batteries and an inverter/charger because of the no reverse current limitation. Additionally, the diagrams in the manual do NOT show an inverter, only batteries and a load with the SBP in between.
So I’m wondering how to wire the SBP in a system with lithium batteries and an inverter/charger or whether it can be used in such a system. I’m wondering if I could wire the SBP “around” a wire that serves as a charging conduit. I use 4/0 welding cable wired off the batteries through a 400A slow burn fuse and then through a Blue Sea Switch to the coach and inverter/charger. My thinking is that I’d put the SBP between the fuse and switch, leaving the existing cable between them in place and simply creating a short route around this connection.
The questions are: 1) would this isolate the SBP from a reverse current condition and 2) would it work? Any takers on answering this idea?