
Paul B avatar image
Paul B asked

Multiplus and ESS schedule Charger Condition

I have schedule charge turned on to charge upto SOC 50% from 22:00 for 3hrs

Min SOC unless grid fails is 30%

I would have thought that during this time period the Inverter would use battery power until 50% SOC was reached and then pass through would occur so that it did not drop lower than the SET 50% SOC level.

OR if the battery was at 20% then it would charge the batteries upto 50% then hold the battery at this level.

However it seems that as soon as Schedule charge is activated it starts holding at that current SOC level at the time of activation. I have tested this on FW 2.60 and FW 2.62

The system is 3 x Multiplus 48/5000 Units FW 476 setup as 3 Phase with 15Kw of Grid Tie and 55Kw of LP batteries connected to a Cerdo running 2.62 Fw . (this test is a night so there is no solar interference or complexity)

In the below screen shot I would have thought that the grid incoming power should stay at the grid set point of 290w until 50% SOC was reached.





MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Paul B

You would probably have to change to optimize with battery life setting in the mode for ess

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