
thesolarbloke avatar image
thesolarbloke asked

Suggestion for VRM Widget - PV Yield (kWh) in Dashboard

Would like to request that a consoladated PV yield widget be avalible on the VRM widget list, PV yeild is likley one of the most regually checked metrics that i think people would be interested in. a lot of systems have multiple MPPT units contributing, its tiresome to manually add the yeild data together from multiple MPPT units to find the total PV harvested for the day.

@Guy Stewart

vrm widget
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2 Answers
janhkruger avatar image
janhkruger answered ·


There is already a "System - PV Yield" widget that sums multiple MPPT's.

1541685135713.png (27.1 KiB)
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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Those graphs under the "Advanced" section really display the instantaneous power at a given time of day. They don't display how much energy (or how many KWh) have been produced that day.
The ammount of energy produced for the day is available under the Dashboard section. The main graph in front of you displays the system-wide Yield for the hour. To get the system yield for the day, change the dropdown box below the graph from "last 24h" to "last 7 days". As you hover over each day, your KWh yield for that day (among other useful information) will be displayed in the grey box.

Now, what would be really cool is a tile under the "System Status in VRM" section which shows the cumulative system KWh for that day. It would then reset at midnight or 2:00am or something like that.
There is a "Solar Yield" tile there, but it's really showing instantaneous system-wide solar power, not cumulative solar energy for the day.

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I agree, and support another dashboard tile for the period selected.

  • kWh solar yield.
  • kWh imported / exported

It is possible already to get this data as a CSV export in the Advanced area, but I understand that most users want the data in the dashboard.

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