
yann-berry avatar image
yann-berry asked

Orion Tr Smart isolated or non isolated in a recent van (2019)

I intend to use the Orion-TR Smart 12V 12V 30A in my van to charge the auxiliary battery with the engine battery (alternator). Should I prefer the isolated version over the non-isolated ? Why ? My first guess is to use the isolated version to have a galvanic isolation and thus my electrical installation will not disrupt the car electronics (a Renault trafic of 2019 full of electronics)
Many thanks for your answers !
orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Yann Berry,

if the battery ground from the starter battery is the same as with the auxiliary battery, then you don't need the isolated version. If both battery negatives is isolated from each other, then you would need the isolated version.

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yann-berry avatar image yann-berry commented ·

Thank you for your answer @Stefanie. My question is: in the case of a shared battery ground, is there any risk that my personal electrical installation disrupts the car electronics (a 2019 brand new car)?

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ yann-berry commented ·

If everything is wired up correctly, then I don't see how the car electronics can be disturbed. But when in doubt, I suggest asking a professional installer to check your installation.

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