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edwardwalker asked

Overriding Multiplus "remote off" from bluetooth

I have a Multiplus 3000 that is turned off with the Victron Connect app via Bluetooth (via the blue tooth dongle).

If I were to lose my phone or not have it available, is there a way for me to "override" the Bluetooth "off command" and turn the Multiplus back on so that we can get power?

The switch on the faceplate is already in the on position...

Cheers and thanks!
Edward in Colorado

p.s. related scenario - we have the remote off/on (Digital Multi Control) and I noticed that if I have the Multiplus turned off with the multicontrol, and disconnect the multicontrol, the Multiplus stays turned off even though the switch is on. I need to be able to turn it back on without the control panel (for in a scenario when we have a Mutil Control failure).

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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