
francisco-leitao avatar image
francisco-leitao asked


Hey everybody,

we urgently need your help to solve a problem. it woult be great if you could gave us some advise.

We are buildung a double batterie system for our offroad-vehicule.

since it is not possible to use the Dynamic Cut-off of our phoenix 12 800 in an installation that also has other loads which is the case

Can we use the Victron Battery Alarm GX to shut off the inverter? or the BatteryProtect 100 A that we already use for our 12V loads?

We hope that you can solve our problem, we already said sorry for confusion, we dont have much knowledge.

very kinds regards

Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
Rob Fijn avatar image
Rob Fijn answered ·

Hi Francisco, you can use the Remote ON/OFF of the inverter to switch OFF or ON this Phoenix inverter. Believe the Battery Alarm panel has a relay, this relay can then be used to remotely switch the Phoenix inverter.

You can also use other Victron equipment that has a relay, like the BVM-7xx of the Cerbo GX.
An external relay on the output of your Battery Protect will also work to remotely switch OFF the Phoenix inverter. When the Battery Protect switch OFF his output, then let the relay close and use a contact to remotely switch OFF the Phoenix inverter.



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