I've a threePhase system with three Multiplus, Pylontech battery, three Victron MPPts.
until Yesterday it works for two Years. since few weeks the warranty is expired.
Yesterday it shows some ve.bus errors: 14, 17, 10,3. After reset it works for minutes or hours, then again one of these alarms.
I changed the complete VE.Bus-Cabling.
Today the Octo can't see the Multis any more. Resetting everything, Power down reset, using the seocond VE.Bus connector of the Octo.Nothing.
All other functions of the Octo (Reading the smart meter, communication with the pylontechs, Wlan, communication with the mppts) are working.
Downgrading to 2.58. Nothing. Upgrading via network to 2.60.
when I plug the VE.Bus cable from the Multis to the Octo into my mk2 interface instead, my Laptop and the VE.Configure etc. Software can communicate with all three Multis in all ways.
It sounds to me as if the VE.Bus of the Octo is defunct. is there a possibility to Repair the Octo?
Its convienently just out of Warranty...