
frefre82 avatar image
frefre82 asked

MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32 with LiFePO4 and DalyBMS not doing correct absorption cycles

I have a Multiplus with 16 cells of LiFePO4 batteries (48V setup), hooked up to a Daly SmartBMS.

1612296661967.pngCurrently it is setup as a UPS. Following settings are used:


And on the panel ESS mode is active with following settings:


Scheduled charging is on at 24/7.

I have not put it on 'keep batteries charged' because that gives very strange errors, hence it is on 'Optimized' with minimum SOC 100%.


Now I see the following when the system gets to 100% SOC, when it does the trickle charging as set above, however it exceeds the 55V and runs to 56V (goes above the absorption voltage?) and that is the moment the Daly BMS over voltage protection disconnects the battery which results in a short blackout until the entire system restarts:


In detail:


Anyone any ideas on how to solve this? Thanks!

Multiplus-IIbattery chargingLithium Batteryups
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2 Answers
Harold Halewijn avatar image
Harold Halewijn answered ·

I'm having the exact same findings. I just lowered the Absorpion Voltage and Float Voltage setting in Victron VE Configure. I'm not sure if that helps, i just have to wait..... What was your solution?

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utzm avatar image
utzm answered ·

i'm having the same problem. any news on that?

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