
boltman avatar image
boltman asked

Command Line using GX Touch 50

I just installed a GX Touch 50 on my Cerbo GX system (with the large image). I am able to ssh in to access the command line, but I would like to do it locally. I have a USB keyboard connected to my Cerbo. If I press "Ctl-Alt-Backspace" (which in linux normally exits the GUI), the GUI just restarts ("Restarting...).

How can I exit the GUI and get to the command line locally?


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1 Answer
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

It is not possible. If you want access then you can enable ssh and set a console password and connect via WIFI or Ethernet..

Here is the guide how to do this Venus OS Root Access

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boltman avatar image boltman commented ·

Again, I'm able to access the command line fine with ssh. I can't believe it's impossible, since the command line works fine with a HDMI connection using a Raspberry Pi. I was disappointed that after upgrading to a Cerbo GX with a GX Touch 50, I lost the ability to execute commands locally.

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Victron Venus OS Open Source intro page

Venus OS GitHub (please do not post to this)