
francois01 avatar image
francois01 asked

BMV failed. How do i know the SOC for generator control

Hi, I have a installation with two multplus 3kw, 1000Ah of battery, a color control and a BMV-712.

I installed the system in october then left the site. I connected the satellite internet just a week ago to realize my BMV is not online anymore, but everything else is working perfectly.

However, the generator doesn't start automaticly because it was set on the SOC to start.

I cannot acces the site until march (at least) because of the snow but I need this generator to start when needed. What can I do to troubleshoot that?


BMV Battery Monitor
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Was the generator start stop wired into the bmv itself? Or on the gx device?

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