
randy-putnam avatar image
randy-putnam asked

Orion Smart Question and the Sound of Crickets

I’ve been searching the forum for information on parameters for the Orion Smart 12-12/30 and have found “nada”. So here goes again:

Using Victron Connect I want to set the proper “engine on” and “engine off” parameters. Best method to do this? I’m thinking I can hook up my Battery Sense to the engine battery and then read the voltage when I crank the starter and then the voltage when I’m underway on my boat. Good method? Other ideas from you with knowledge?

I‘m going to use the Orion Smart between my FLA starter engine and 2 Battle Born 100AH LFPs in parallel for my house bank. Using 6 awg wire between the 2 and 60amp fusing between the two. The alternator is a 70 amp “dummy” (ie not ”smart”)

Just trying to do the right thing with the Orion Smart but it seems I’m only hearing crickets when I ask the question or seek other answers here.



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1 Answer
randy-putnam avatar image
randy-putnam answered ·

Got the answer to this after watching the latest Victron webinar on YouTube. I emailed the sales office and got a reply within a few hours. Why didn’t I get notice of the webinar from this site? Oh well, as Emily Latella (Gilder Ratner) would have said........”never mind”

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