
Ian avatar image
Ian asked

Cerbo IO schematic?

Does teh community have any schematics of Cerbo IO inputs?

Neither appear galvanically isolated. Analogue input appear to have 1.1k pull-up resistor to a 4.9V supply and digital inputs appear very high impedance. Do I have that about right?

Many thanks.

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

You're not far off.
Temperature inputs have a 1.2KΩ pullup to 5V
Tank inputs have a 680Ω pullup to 5V
Digital inputs have a diode clamp and a 22KΩ series resistor followed by a 10KΩ pullup to 1.2V

Here is the VenusGX schematic - the inputs are similar configuration as the CerboGX, the difference is the digital inputs pull up to 3.3V

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sunnycoastgreg avatar image sunnycoastgreg commented ·

just to clarify,

for the tank inputs - is the Cerbo the same? as Venus .
that is the Cerbo pulls up thru 680ohm to 5V?

(its only the digital inputs that differ?)

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Ian avatar image
Ian answered ·

That's really fab. Thank you.

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