
eej avatar image
eej asked

Multiplus firmware update failed

Hi I have a Multiplus 24/3000/70-50/120 V recently installed. In attempting to udpate to the most recent firmware via Victron Connect v5.8, using macOS. The new firmware was listed, I clicked and the update began. Then I got a message the update failed and something about boot error. Now Victron Connect cannot connect with the device. What's next?

After trying again, some more info. I get message Mk2/Mk3 did not respond. And error #22.


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerfirmware update
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

I think it would be best to connect the Mk3 to a laptop (windows version) then to the Multis VE Bus port and then install Victron VE config tools and upgrade the firmware using the VE flash software.

you will have to download the firmware manually as well.

you could try the upgrade using a android phone as well. this may work better.

This feature is quite a new addon to Victron Connect app.

2 |3000

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