So, I've got a tiny little setup that has been going without issue for the past month. 100 Ah Battle Born, 150/35 SmartSolar MPPT, 712 Monitor, and an AIMS 2500W inverter.
I've been wanting to use the inverter to run my well pump to fill an indoor water tank. This takes only 7 or 8 minutes and even with my tiny battery bank and my less-than-efficient pump, the math shows this to be very much much within the limits of the system. I did a short, 3 minute test today to see what the actual load would look like and after doing so, my monitor is acting like I've completely drained my battery. The battery symbol in the lower right flashes and is hollowed out and the SOC percentage shows only a pair of dashes. The pump was averaging around 1300W according to the 712 for the 3 minutes it was turned on, which should only amount to a total draw of 65ish watts. What is more, the voltage shown by both the MPPT and the 712 after continues to show around 13.27V - clearly not an empty battery.
I've used the inverter on smaller loads before with no problem. I'm guessing that when the charge controller pops into float tomorrow the 712 will synchronize itself and all will be good, but I'd obviously like to not lose my monitoring every few days.
Is this a matter of improper settings on my end? A known glitch? Bad math?