
Matthew Walsh avatar image
Matthew Walsh asked

Zigbee Range


I am trying to get an ET340 onto a Victron system via the zigbee devices. The ET340 will be connected as a PV Inverter meter and the PV inverter is installed roughly 200m away through 2 walls and a open field. I tried installing it and the two zigbee devices never picked each other up.

So I tried at home with a single battery and mobile CCGX and it looks like the maximum range I can get is roughly 50m with a single metal garage door in the way.

This is no where near the advertised 1600m range of these devices.

Is there any suggestions on how to extend the range or actually achieve the range stated in their product sheets?

Energy Meter
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1 Answer
simen avatar image
simen answered ·

Check the Tx Power Settings and make sure you have the correct antennas with good connection. They are extremely sensitive to poor antenna frequency match or connection.

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