
Paul B avatar image
Paul B asked

Multiplus and Quattro Tempature Deratings

Hi All

does any one know how to get the multiplus or quattro internal tempature readings in Deg C or Deg F ????????? by using its current standard internal sensor.


This would be a very handy reading to have so that I can explain why the inverter is going into overload when its only at 50% of its rated output and battery voltages and ripple are ALL fine.

And even why the inverter is not producing its rated CHARGE power as well

As I am finding that the areas were the inverters are being put are the cause of temperature de ratings, thus a VRM graph would be nice, but just a temp reading at any time would be really handy.

on the wishful side of things

If a graph was also possible, then a de-rating graph option on the vrm for the connected unit would also be very nice as well.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Paul B,

Can you please update the MultiPlus or Quattro firmware to 478 and see if that makes any difference to these overloads?

The internal temperature readings used for derating are not available, there are several used internally and they are not a value that is passed over the VE.Bus.

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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

Guy the issue is not the overloads its advising the customer as to why they are happening and that the inverter should be in a cooler place.

Its even advising them BEFORE its a issue

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I don't think that answer is going to come from the inverters internal temperature readings.

One way you could work around it is connect a temperature probe to a GX device and then somewhere on the inverter (e.g terminal connection, or some hot spot on the case) , and then set an alarm in VRM when the temperature is exceeding the 'published' power limits relative to temperature from the data sheet, relative to their load profile.

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Paul B avatar image Paul B Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks Guy

suspected that re the cerbo temp inputs etc, just hoping there may have been another way to pull the data .

was also thinking that as most are lithium anyway I may use the battery temp sensor, on the side of the case, as we are in the tropics we dont really need the temp sensors for the lithiums

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