
rusty-bear avatar image
rusty-bear asked

I have a new BMV-712 Voltage shows .04V

My BMV-712 was working correctly, when I took my Motorhome in for engine work, now main Voltage reads.04 and starter voltage is correct. They did not remove the battery that I can tell, but did do some welding.

BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

suggest that you look at the fuse thats in the battery sense wire that goes to the main battery

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rusty-bear avatar image rusty-bear commented ·

In reviewing the wiring setup , I do not find a fuse in the line from the main battery to the shunt.

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sailingbasta avatar image
sailingbasta answered ·

have the same issue. fuse is Ok. any other possibilities?

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