I use a SmartSolar MPPT 75/15 together with the macOS app VictronConnect, and a MacBook Air.
First of all, I would like to thank the hardware and software developers. I am very happy with the product and the development of the app.
I am referring to the upcoming introduction of the 'continuous Bluetooth scan', which can be tested in VictronConnect v5.36beta (macOS version).
This new feature requires significantly more processing power from the Mac, even when the window is not in the foreground. According to the Activity Monitor, about 20 % on average.
Only when I hide the app with the key combination cmd-H the energy consumption of the app and especially that of the 'WindowServer' process decrease.
The 'continuous Bluetooth scan' may certainly be useful for service technicians, as well as for Android and iOS devices.
For the desktop version, however, this means more keystrokes so that the laptop battery does not drain too quickly.
I know the Bluetooth range of my SmartSolar, the 'Scan' button is absolutely sufficient (for me).
I would therefore like to see a setting in the preferences to turn off the 'continuous Bluetooth scan'.
It would also be nice if VictronConnect saves the window size and position when you exit and restores it the next time you start it.