From yesterday one of my MPPT charge controllers is not charging. It just suddenly dropped the chage rate, although the MPPT charge controller shows up on the CCGX and there are no error codes.
The system is made up of 2 x MPPT 150 / 70 charge controllers, a Multiplus 48/5000/100 inverter, a Bluenova 24kwh 52v battery bank and a CCGX. It is running ESS.
There are no error codes on the MPPT controller or on the CCGX. When looking at the MPPT controller I can see the battery voltage as well as the panel voltage and that also checks out with the multimeter. After a full day of sun, MPPT 1 records a total yield of 3W and MPPT2 records 9kw or so.
I have reset MPPT one, but it doesn't make any difference. Is there anything else I can check or should I take it in for a service?