
giorgio avatar image
giorgio asked

ESS system with Cerbo GX (FW 2.60) Inverter Quattro (FW 2653478) and ET340

I made an ESS system with Cerbo GX (FW 2.60) Inverter Quattro (FW 2653478) and ET340. I configured the quattro with Grid Code CEI-021 VirtualSwitch OFF and loaded ESS assistant. Cerbo GX does not see the inverter and the inverter remains completely off. I can't disable GridCode CEI-021 because I'm asked for a password that I don't know. Thanks

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2 Answers
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

You can get that password from your Victron dealer.

The Cerbo GX should detect the inverter, no matter which grid code you set. Try another cable and make sure you plug it in the correct port in Cerbo GX.

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giorgio avatar image
giorgio answered ·

Grazie seb71. Ho collegato il cavo al primo connettore in alto a destra del Cerbo e a uno dei due connettori dei Quattro. Ho provato a sostituire il cavo ma niente. Con VEConfig normalmente leggo le configurazioni Quattro tramite MK3

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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

First connector/port from the top right of Cerbo GX - front row or back row (near the wall)?

If on the back (near the wall), maybe try the other VE.Bus port from Cerbo GX.

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