
justinhalewood avatar image
justinhalewood asked

Help installing with BMV-712 smart

Hi All,

Having bought our boat a year or so ago, I'm now trying to get to grips with the electrics. As part of this we are planning to install solar panels and an improved battery monitoring system. We have an Ampair wind generator and 2x Varta 12v 180 Amphour house batteries currently and will be assessing their health also.

We're trying to start with the installation of a Victron Energy Battery Monitor (BMV-712 Smart). However, I've already hit the limit of my current understanding and was hoping for advice from the forum. Please find a summary of the current set-up and wiring diagram (work in progress) below - thank you for your help!

- The Varta house batteries are wired in parallel. I have also included the connection to the start battery also (Numax 12v 70ah).

- There are two separate shunts fitted to one of the Vartas batteries and one to the Numax. I believe these are connected to the Sterling Battery Monitor currently installed (I want to replace to the BMV to access the smart functionality like 'remaining time').

- Please see other connections below. I have yet to trace all wires as they go into the interior of the boat - I'm planning to do this in the next few weeks.

Where should I put the BMV? Is it just a case of replacing the existing shunt?

Thank you for any help!



BMV Battery Monitor
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4 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

The shunt for Victron battery monitors go in the negative battery lead. Only the batteries connect to the battery side of the shunt. Everything else goes to the load side of the shunt.

The alternator should probably not connect to the house batteries directly. If you want to charge the house batteries from the alternator, connect a DC-DC charger between the starter battery and the house batter. This will prevent alternator damage and house battery overcharging.

Wind generator should connect to the house batteries, not the starter battery.

House loads should connect to house batteries and not the starter battery.

Motors should connect to the starter battery and have no connection to the house batteries.

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justinhalewood avatar image
justinhalewood answered ·

Thanks Kevin! Think I’ve discovered a bit of a muddle so many need to arrange for a rewire

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randy-putnam avatar image
randy-putnam answered ·

Hi. You’re starting down the same path as I. I installed solar panels last summer on my boat and a Victron 100/30 MPPT controller. This year I’m going full tilt with LFP house bank, Victron 712BMV, Victron Orion Smart 12/12-30 DC-DC battery charger, Victron IP67 AC battery charger and the Victron Battery Sense. I like the Bluetooth functionality of the Victron components. Here’s my wiring diagram, if that will provide any better information for you:


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justinhalewood avatar image justinhalewood commented ·

Thank you!

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dfraizer avatar image
dfraizer answered ·

I am doing the same project and am getting a recommendation to add a BMS 12/100 and 2 mart battery protects.

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