
bathnm avatar image
bathnm asked

SSH access to remote Cerbo

I suspect I know the answer to this already ;)

Does anyone know of any way to get a console/ssh session to a remote Cerbo. Due to current lock down rules I cant get to the boat to do some diagnostic testing and/or development. I had planed to install OpenVPN, but didn't get a chance prior to leaving,

Venus OS
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3 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

You must set up root and ssh access from the Cerbo control panel before you can access remotely. If Cerbo is behind a firewall, you also need to set up port forwarding (port 22 for ssh) in the router. This too probably needs to be done on the LAN side of the router (not via the WAN side).

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bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

Yes it is all working while local. No router as it is using the GSM/4G dongle.

Was hopping there was some means of using the Victron remote tunnels

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bywalabear avatar image
bywalabear answered ·

I know this is old, but just a note: I always setup a reverse-ssh tunnel using autossh to a cheap VPS (check out so that I always have access to my boat's network no matter what crazy network topology is between me and the server.

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