
fab13n avatar image
fab13n asked

Controlling an external relay through VRM portal?


I would like to control a remote relay through Internet on my boat, and I thought it would be neat to be able to do it through the VRM portal.

I haven't bought any hardware yet; I'm willing to make the relay available throught MQTT, through a 433MHz link, or any other better-suited wireless solution. I can even try and remember some modbus bit shuffling if needed :-) The relays on my EasySolar-II GX are all available for now, if it helps. And I have a couple of old Pis and Arduinos lying around.

Is there a reasonable way for me to add a new toggle widget, or to creatively misuse an existing one, on VRM? Is there an easy way to capture those toggle events on my LAN?

(Notice: I have found the opposite on this forum, controlling the GX from custom devices, I'm trying to do the opposite here)

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1 Answer
michelg avatar image
michelg answered ·

Hi Fabn13 ! I do remotely control 2 Windows 2012 servers using the 2 relays incorporated into the Cerbo GX.

As sometimes one of the servers just hangs up for no reason and that I can't wake him up using the WOL option offered by the router on which they are connected, I simply switch off the relay managing the concerned server, switch on, and everything reboots normally.

So yes, we can do several things with the Cerbo GX and VRM => Remote Control of the Screen, and then playing with the different parameters.


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