
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem asked

Venus alarm system - need the code

The current code only allows assigning Alarm, Generator start/stop, Pump) to the first relay. I'm planning to modify the code so that at least two additional relays can be assigned functions. I'm running on a Raspberry Pi that supports up to 6 relays.

The code that needs to change is in dbus-generator-starter and bus-pump for those two functions. But I can't find where the relay state is changed when it is set to Alarm.

Any one have any ideas?

Venus GX - VGXalarm
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1 Answer
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

It is not hanged within the QML code, I suspect it is changed within the main GUI code and executable.

I suspect that there is a lot of code too change, to be able to enumerate the relays to a function. At present the relays function is tide to a single dBus path:


I have added code to the QML files to enumerate the relays to


But too change the Generator start/stop and Pump dbus services is a lot of work to maintain through code upgrades. Further there is not a service specific to Alarms so enumerating that away from anything than the Settings/Relay/Function path is not possible by us.

I have QML code that maintains the non enumerated value when relay 1 is set to Alarm, Generator start/stop or Pump, therefore my relay function screen is currently this for relay 1


and for the second relay the list is minus Alarm, Generator start/stop or Pump.

Happy to share some Diff files.

1608557612989.png (79.0 KiB)
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

Too bad they've hidden this stuff but it is what it is. I guess I'll take the same route as you, making relay 1 the only one that can access the alarm function.

Your code would be much appreciated. At least I can keep the enumeration of .../Function in the same place as you. Thanks.

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Venus GX manual

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