
danbunton avatar image
danbunton asked

Multiple mppts with Pylontech

Hi all, I just want to confirm that I’m not going to run into any problems running two BlueSolar 150/35 MPPTs through a Cerbo GX to charge four Pylontech US2000s? I have two arrays one slightly SE and one slightly SW to extend the solar day and reduce the time the batteries are operating on their own. The system uses a Multi 48/5000. I presume I would connect each MPPT individually to the Cerbo with the VE.Direct cables? The only part of this set up I have so far is the panels and the Multi. Thanks!

MPPT ControllersPylontech
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Everything you need to know about setting up the system is in the article.

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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·



You should not run into any issue with regards to charging. Four pylon tech batteries can handle a 100Amp charge and the mppts you are proposing will not, at their max rating exceed that.

That being said you are able to put more solar on if you would like to as the Pylon techs are able to dictate to the system how they want to be charged so they will take care of themselves as long as the communication cable is working correctly. Just make sure as a fail safe that both the mppts are programmed correctly and so is the multi. This is easy to do as the information is freely available, you will be able to check all you need to know on this page.

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danbunton avatar image
danbunton answered ·

Thanks for your reply Alexandra, I have viewed the Victron Pylontech documentation but their is no mention of using multiple mppts and I would like to know if their are any issues such as whether the mppts need configuring as master and slaves or need synchronising or need to be a different type to function eg. VE.Can? Basically, will the Pylontech talk to multiple VE.Direct mppts?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Sorry for the late reply. With them all linked up to the Cerbo all the synchronisation will be taken care of by the communication of the batteries through the Cerbo. They do control the mppts that way.

Even with mppts connected to the batteries and not communicating with the GX the mppts work as stand alone as well. They would also be programmed as individuals in your system so if communication broke between them and the system they would not over or under charge.

The only thing that a break in comms would really affect would be data to the vrm. Everyone seem to have emphasis on synchronisation. We have messed around alot with pylontechs on our system with mppts through the gx, not through the gx, with no issues at all. Put simpy if the batteries need charging the mppts get to work, if one is enough to fill the batteries needs the other just idles along until it is needed. I have seen a few guys talking about over voltage warnings on pylontechs but I never had the issue even on the latest firmware. Just set the voltages as recommended and run the system.

The ve can mppts are really designed for the bigger systems like 12 to 15 mppts in a system so they can be daisy chained in. They are usually more expensive and I don't usually recommended them for home installs, you can if you want to but it really is not necessary. We have 3 be direct mppts on our one system, providing more than enough energy. Been off-grid completely for about 4 months now

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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

Make sure you enable DVCC in Cerbo GX.

Also you wrote:
"The only part of this set up I have so far is the panels and the Multi."

If this is still the case, get SmartSolar MPPTs instead of BlueSolar MPPts.

Also a SmartShunt would be useful.

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fanda avatar image
fanda answered ·

Thanks for all the above useful info! Having read this as well as the Victron - Pylontech document(s), I am still not quite sure, if it is possible to run 2 MPPTs of DIFFERENT TYPE with Pylontechs (and CERBO).

More specifically, I have been running 4,4 kWp array, MP-II 5 kVA, MPPT Smart Solar 250/70, CERBO-GX with 3 x Pylontech US3000C (via DVCC) for some time without any problems and to my full satisfaction.

I would like to add 2 x 550 Wp panels to another location around the house and I am intending to use MPPT 100/20 (all PV parameters [Uoc @ -30° C, Isc] are OK) in parallel to the existing 250/70, both connected via VEdirect to the CERBO. I suppose it should work, however, I would like to be absolutely sure before making any purchase... Does CERBO resp. Pylontechs really control 2 diferently "sized" MPPTs in one system correctly?

Many thanks!

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