
bc-skier avatar image
bc-skier asked

Why on the multiplus does victron recommend 2- 1/0 dc power lines instead of 1- 4/0 from battery

Why on the multiplus 3000/120 does victron recommend 2- 1/0 dc power lines instead of 1- 4/0 from battery?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

4/0 or 120 sq mm cables are extremely hard to work with. Relative to two half the size.

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rose avatar image rose commented ·
So that I understand better, do you mean using 2 - 2/0 cables from distribution to each one of the 2 positive and 2 negatives on the Multiplus?
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danhig avatar image
danhig answered ·

I have longer than desired cable runs in a tight class B rv. In order to route the cables I used dual runs of 2/0 ultraflex welding cable which gives lower voltage drop that a single 4/0 cable. I found these online at a discount because it was left over from end of rolls. It works well and very easy to route.

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