i've got a installation off grid in 3 phase with 3 quattro 48/8000, 2 Fronius Symo 8 and 1 BYD LVL 15.4. the batterie went to 0% (bad weather for 3 days). after that, my customer started the generator (ACin) and put the 3 quattro on charge only. the voltage of the batterie went from 0V to 42V in nearly 3 hours. but i still got on the color control 0% of charge? is that normal? and the batterie don't stay on (the led stopped after 3-4 minutes). my customer had to go away so stopped the generator to save the petrol (the site is on a remote island). so my question is how long should the generator goes on to charge the batterie to be able to put the vitron ON and get the Fronius inverter working?
hope i'm clear enough as english is not my usual language.