
jejochen avatar image
jejochen asked

multiplus 2 and ac coupled pv inverter- behaviour in grid failure

If a multiplus 2 is configurated with ESS, and a AC coupled ABB PV inverter is connected. What will happen if the grid fails, but the batteries are full, and the PV inverter is inverting?

I suppose the PV inverter must have some sort of cut off?

ESSAC PV Coupling
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2 Answers
Meine_Energiewende avatar image
Meine_Energiewende answered ·

MP2 will raise its frequency on AC-OUT and the PV Inverter will lower its output depending on that frequency. Complete shutdown of PV Inverter Output will happen on 52 Hz in a 50 Hz Network.

If you inverter is on AC-IN it will not provide any power and shutdown completely.


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Vangelis Beligiannis avatar image Vangelis Beligiannis commented ·

Hi! You are correct. ABB does not have a setup to regulate the power depending on the frequency. So when the frequency rises from the Multiplus it Will through out the ABB. The ABB Will restart and it Will gp on like that depending on the Multiplus behavior. Fronius is the only company with a firmware coresponding to the Multiplus.

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

That if its setup correcty and has the correct assistants added and the Grid tie inverter is set correctly as well

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Meine_Energiewende avatar image Meine_Energiewende commented ·

Is far as i understand ESS also includes the PV Assistant for fallback reasons. But you are right .... grid tie inverter has to be setup in the correct way. At Fronius it it called "Micro Grid 50" Setup ..... don't know how ABB is handling that.

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