Hi all,
I already asked to the community this question one year ago but I try again.
I have a venus gx which monitors one Quattro 12/3000, one mppt smart solar 150/100, 1 bmv712, 1 BP65 associated with winston batteries 12v 400A which are equipped of a bms 123smart. I explained in a another post how I connected all équipement to take into account the state of bms but it isn't the best way.
How do you set the venus gx and the interconnection between the bms 123smart and équipements to activate the "bms mode" in venus? Activate the ESS mode with bms setting on the Quattro seems a good way to do it but I don t succeed.
The "bms mode" permits to disable or enable all chargers or loads in the same time like when we use a Ve-Bus Bms.
@Paul B: if you read me, you have explain me a method to do it but I don t understand.
Thanks for your help