
etzu avatar image
etzu asked

100/20 max wattage 290?

Is it 20a OR 290w?

I have a few 200w panels that output 9amps. 2 would be 18amps.

But the 400w would be 110w over.

I take it I can't use two panels even though the amperage is under the limit?

These are the panels.

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

The max output is 20 amps to the battery if you put two large panels on then this will NOT damage the mppt charger as it will limit the output to the battery volatage and then supply a max of 20 amps. so the output watts will depend on the current battery voltage at the time as the limiting factor. so if you install say a 600watt panel then in full sun the maximun is as per the battery voltages below as a example

20 x 14 volts battery voltage is 280 watts

20 x 28 volts battery voltage is 560 watts

NOTE the cavete here is that at no time should the PV array voltage exceed the max voltage of 100 volts

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