
Sam Wutschke avatar image
Sam Wutschke asked

CCGX with digital Input

Hi all,

Looking through the configuration page of my CCGX, I see the option for digital Input. (To monitor smoke alarm and open door)

Offcours there is no fisical connection on the CCGX, but I was wondering if I can make some input by an alternative way? Thinking of using somehow the VE.bus / VE.can

Looking forward for ideas

Venus OS
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1 Answer
daky avatar image
daky answered ·

Hi all,
Hi @Sam Wutschke,

I also would like to see the status of one (or more) digital inputs on the CCGX display.
Specifically, I would like to have a message (pre-warning) displayed if a digital signal becomes active.
Logging this signal on the SD card would also be desirable.

Connection of the signal to the MultiPlus-II with the use of an assistant

A new assistant would have to be programmed for a GPIO / general input signal, which would then show a short, user-defined text on the Venus (CCGX) display.
The Venus FW would probably have to be expanded/upgraded accordingly.

Use of a USB adapter, which is connected directly to the CCGX

One possibility would be to use an FTDI chip, e.g. the "FT232H" or "FT260". These chips can be configured to offer GPIOs.

For this, the Venus OS must be programmed accordingly:

  • Driver integration for the FTDI chip
  • Corresponding menu items for the configuration of the chip / GPIOs
    (with the possibility of entering a short user-defined text)
  • And: Logging the GPIO signals (on SD card) would be desirable here again

Best Regards,


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