
ehsab avatar image
ehsab asked

Display current power in Grafana?


I have setup a local (docker)server and added Victrons container for influxDB and Grafana.
But i am missing some information and thought id ask here.

I would like to show the power the system is using in realtime, not an average over time, is this not the vebus/Ac/ActiveIn/P (for input) and vebus/Ac/Out/P (for output)? I get different readings depending on what timeframe i choose to show and it differs from the Venus GUI.


I am also missing pvinverter/Dc settings, are they not available? I would like to see the DC Voltage on the both MPPTs on the Fronius.

Is there a glossary over all settings ther is?

Kind Regards


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
dunnp avatar image
dunnp answered ·

Try changing the $_interval to 1s in Group By and from mean() to last() in Select.


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