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martin-erlebach asked

Skylla IP65 12/70 (1+1) - Is this battery charger galvanic isolated ? Is it o.k. to disconnect the DC out of this charger while AC in is still on ?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have 2 questions concerning the Skylla IP65 12/70 (1+1) charger, which are not answered in the manual (but there is a caution note in the manual concerning the sequence of connections):

1: Is the Skylla IP65 galvanically isolated ?

2: Is it o.k. to disconnect the 12 V DC out with a relay (e.g. caused by a stop charge command from the BMS) while the AC in is still on ? Or should I use another relay which can switch AC and disconnect AC in to the Skylla to stop charging ?

Thank you very much for answering my questions.

Kind regards.

Martin Erlebach

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerLithium Battery
2 |3000

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