Good afternoon (or morning/night/evening),
Just now we released v2.62~4 for field testing. It adds support for Inverter RS & MPPT RS when connected on the VE.Can port as well as fixes problem when connecting many MPPTs (ie. 15, or 20 of them).
This post is intended for all people participating in the Venus OS Beta test program.
Changes (compared to v2.62~3)
- Fix bug that caused the gui to run out of memory when connecting many VE.Can or VE.Direct devices (15, 20 or even more MPPTs). After running out of memory the gui would (in most cases) restart, causing a chain of other issues.
- Add support for the Inverter RS & MPPT RS when connected using the VE.Can comm. port. Connecting on the VE.Direct comm port was already added in earlier versions.
- Add MPPT DeviceOffReason and MPPOperationMode fields to the VE.Can driver.
All the best,