
stefan-lachmann avatar image
stefan-lachmann asked

MPPT 100/20 Displayed consumption is different, but it is always the same Load by 24W/24V 24h connectet. can anyone tell me the reason? Thank you!

Date Yield(Wh) Consumption(Wh) Max. PV power(W) Max. PV voltage(V) Min. battery voltage(V) Max. battery voltage(V)
11/24/20 10 260 42.00 75.14 24.23 24.67
11/23/20 770 330 357.00 90.01 24.30 28.30
11/22/20 370 160 202.00 86.68 24.25 26.81
11/21/20 40 140 29.00 74.73 24.40 24.72
11/20/20 1110 190 359.00 89.48 23.73 27.13
11/19/20 200 160 248.00 85.72 23.81 26.22
11/18/20 130 80 122.00 81.81 23.92 25.17
11/17/20 30 50 19.00 71.54 24.61 24.30
11/16/20 120 70 128.00 87.48 24.27 25.45
11/15/20 890 100 332.00 86.05 23.76 26.38
11/14/20 260 380 104.00 82.73 23.85 24.85
11/13/20 880 250 280.00 85.73 23.60 25.94
11.12.2020 110 180 70.00 76.97 23.65 24.15
11.11.2020 60 330 18.00 73.11 23.81 24.15
11.10.2020 50 400 13.00 70.72 24.15 24.61
MPPT Controllers
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